Wednesday, June 1, 2011

After 24 Years Shirley Retires

The end of May was the end of an era for Phazes. Shirley aka Mom retired. She has worked and served loyally and tirelessly doing almost everything from esthetics to makeup, books to cleaning bathrooms, payroll and... she has been known to play a few jokes in her day. She was serious about her work, loving and faithful to the end.

Her responsibilities were numerous and she defended Phazes like a Mother Bear defends her cubs.
Shirley, mother bear can now enjoy all her beautiful family cubs...ENJOY! You have earned it. Phazes, the many friends and family will miss you here. We will see you for your skin care...soon, very very soon.

1 comment:

Shaundra said...

What a beautiful momma. Happy days to her!