Monday, December 27, 2010

A Yummy Visit from Santa

Momma Shirley and Santa
This year Santa jingled in on our Yummy Christmas breakfast and got a little jolly out of each of the Phazes gals. He asked if he could get a "little trim" on his beard, but no one was in the mood on there day off, so he settled for each one setting on his lap and sharing with him what they wanted for Christmas this year.

Momma Shirley shared with Santa the traditional things "health and a happy family," no surprise there, but the single gals at Phazes...well, let's just say, Santa was wishin' he was single too!
Cute Karen & Santa

No rest for the weary said Kelly at our next meeting while we ate homemade Chili and Cookies from none other than Momma Shirley, "it is December and we still have many people to take good care of."
As Nikki is thinking "when is this meeting going to be over?"

We hope you ALL had a Merry Christmas!
Much love and wishing YOU all a Happy New Year,

Phazes Salon & Day Spa