Saturday, January 22, 2011

Agreeing to Love Part 2

"The Mastery of Love" is a book I have loved for a very long time. If relationships are important in your life this book will be a top priority read for you this year!

You can purchase it in our Wildflowers and Weeds Boutique or get it FREE with any W&W shirt or P.J.'s.

Here are a few concepts from this book that has made a difference in my life:

Love is based on respect--when there is no respect in a relationship there is a war of control and each person ends up feeling responsible for the other. When one is trying to make another responsible for their actions they are playing victim to fear and self-pity. Love is completely responsible.

Love is always kind and unconditional--fear is unkind and full of obligations, expectations and avoids responsibility. Remember that anger is just fear with a mask. Much like jealousy and sadness is oftentimes fear with a mask.

In every relationship there are 2 halves-- you are only responsible for your half. We are not mind readers, in spite of what we women desire, men do not read our minds. We can never know what another person feels!

To Master any relationship it is ON YOU-- The first step is to become aware, when you become aware of the way you communicate, if you know what IS love and what IS fear, the quality of your relationships depend upon the choices you make in each moment. When you see where you are just by changing your attention, everything around you will change.

NO one else can make YOU happy, happiness is the result of LOVE coming out of YOU.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Agreeing to Love Part 1

There are two books that make my top ten list. I have read these books several times. They are "The Four Agreements" and "Mastery of Love" by Miguel Ruiz.

We brought these two books into our boutique as part of our LOVE is in the AIR theme. You can choose either one of these books FREE with the purchase of one of our great W&W shirts or a snuggly pair of P.J.'s.

Several years ago when I was struggling to find answers to some of lifes tough questions concerning relationships and boundaries, these 2 books spoke volumes to me.

And the 4 Agreements are:
  • Be impeccable with your word--the first time I began to read this book, reading the first agreement was difficult. I was feeling overwhelmed with the incapacity to meet up, guilt filled me and I wanted to put the book down. I persisted and after having read into the second and third agreement things started to fit together like a puzzle and when the forth agreement came it was like a freedom to live life peacefully and more fully than I had ever known. However I must say it took several times of reading this book to free me of many conditional thoughts. There were many beliefs I had that kept my mind stuck.

  • Don't take anything personally--this is SO difficult to do because we all live through our own eyes, our own realities, therefore we have this innate tendency to make everything surround us...or be about us. When you can internalize this agreement, you will be free of the opinions and actions of others, and you will not be the victim of needless suffering.
  • Don't make assumptions--we as human beings have such a difficult time communicating true feelings, because of fear, time restraints, technology getting in the way. It makes it easy to assume. Making assumptions creates unnecessary and unwanted outcomes. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.

  • Do your best--Keeping this agreement in mind can free you from self-judgment, self-abuse and regret because your best is going to change from moment to moment.